Friday, April 9, 2010

Cranberry Shortbread Hearts (Pg 114)

We all know how much I love shortbread. Just the thought of shortbread makes my heart melt. It just makes me so happy.

My baking pantry is a little crazy right now due to this project. Every time I'm at the store I find a few random things and I think to myself  "I probably need this for a cookie recipe at some point" and then I buy it. So I have lots of random things and then when I need to decide what to bake I rummage through everything and go over recipes and compare what I have to what I need and figure something out.

This is why sometimes my entries are widely spaced out. Sometimes I just don't have what I need and I can't manage to figure anything out. I'm past most of the basic ones that don't have weird random ingredients.

So flipping through the book and finding this recipe and discovering I actually had dried cranberries got me very excited. It's shortbread, how could I not be excited? So it was pretty much just a basic shortbread recipe plus dried cranberries, which I had to chop up which was a very sticky task.

Other than that there's not much to say. I obviously didn't make them into hearts. It didn't really make sense to make them into hearts. They were baked in a square brownie pan and then I would've had to cut hearts and then I would've had all the in-between pieces of shortbread. It seemed wasteful. I don't like to waste cookies. So I just cut them into rectangles as I would with brownies in the same pan. Not as cute as hearts, but just as tasty.

I actually wasn't crazy about the cranberries in this. They didn't really add enough flavor, and they were just sticky. But hey, it's shortbread so it's delicious. I love it.

Recipe predicts: 1 dozen hearts.
Actual: 20 rectangles.

48 recipes down, 127 to go.

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