It's a chocolate cookie, baked for about 10 minutes so it's just about done, and then you press half a marshmallow into the center and bake it another couple minutes. And when it's done baking and it's cooled, you put chocolate frosting on top to hide the marshmallow. Hence, the surprise.
I guess the idea is it just looks like a chocolate cookie with a dollop of chocolate frosting and then you bite into it you find a marshmallow. Surprise!
So This is what they look like before the frosting. I kind of like it better this way. The cookie itself is really good. It has whole milk in it so it's a bit more cakey and mushy. I like that. And with the marshmallow slightly baked it's gooey and sticky. I think with the frosting it's just a bit....much. But people seem to like them. I'm on the fence. I'd definitely dig the chocolate cookie on its own.
They were fun to make, but also a bit much. By the time we were putting the frosting on, I was kind of over it. Again, another reason for me to stop before the frosting.
Sarah joined me again for baking these. She's been joining me at least once a week, and she was complaining that there aren't any pictures of her on my blog. So here we are. We are both wearing Starbucks aprons. Aren't we cute? I look a little bit pissed off, but I really wasn't. It's just how I look sometimes.
Recipe predicts: 2.5 dozen.
Actual: 2 dozen.
23 recipes down, 152 to go.
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