Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dark Chocolate Cookies With Sour Cherries (Pg 98)

So this is another one that for some reason I had been really looking forward to. Apparently when I get too excited about a recipe and look forward to it too much, I'm disappointed in it.

First of all it took me a while to find dried "sour" cherries. Did you know that they always sweeten them? Yes, they do. I finally found them at Fairway, of course.

One thing I didn't like about this finished product is that it was too much. I've had that complaint about a few of the recipes so far. This one is chocolate dough, chunks of bittersweet chocolate, and the sour cherries. If I do them again it'd be without the bittersweet chocolate chunks. I'm not crazy about chunks in cookies anyway cos they get all melty and gooey and they're messy to eat and to store. So there's that. It's also just so much chocolate. And come on, I love chocolate, I have no idea why I'm saying this, I just felt the chocolate kind of overpowered the cherries. Maybe I've just been eating too many cookies and I'm sick of them. I never thought that would happen.

It probably is just my cookie overdose that's making me saying all this, cos I brought them to some friends and everyone said they were really delicious. I'm over cookies. For today, at least.

Recipe predicts: About 3 dozen.
Actual: Exactly 3 dozen.

33 recipes down, 142 to go.

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