Anyhow. I was enjoying some lemon poppy seed muffins and lemon poppy seed cookies, and I just started wondering to myself, are the poppy seeds even necessary? I'm not sure what they really add. Lemon is such a strong flavor on its own it can overpower almost anything. And poppy they even have any flavor? I mean I've had them on bagels and I can't really say what they taste like, it's more that they add an interesting texture.
It makes me wonder. Would these be just as good without the poppy seeds? I think they might.
They were absolutely delicious. They totally didn't work as the recipe stated, but they were totally awesome anyway. This was one that was supposed to be rolled into a ball and then rolled in sugar. The sugar was mixed with lemon zest - yum! Well there was no way in heck this dough was going to roll into a ball. It was very moist and sticky. Ball rolling requires a nice, dry-ish, dense-ish dough, not one that gets stuck to your palms. So I had the sugar mixed with lemon zest (yum!) and I just dropped tablespoons full of dough onto the cookie sheet, then I sprinkled the sugar mix on top, then sprinkled with poppy seeds.
There probably was something wrong in my measurements, or temperature of the butter, or some such thing, which is why the dough was wet and they didn't come out crispy. But do I care? No. Because they tasted darn good. But I think it's because lemon plus sugar equals deliciousness, I don't think it has much to do with the poppy seeds.
Recipe predicts: 2.5 dozen
Actual: 2.85 dozen (34 cookies)
40 recipes down, 135 to go.
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