So let's talk about the sacrifices I am making for this project, and in general, for the love of baking. During the baking of my Sugar Cookie Cutouts I had a bit of an accident. I was keeping the cutouts in the freezer downstairs (the one upstairs wasn't big enough) and I was running up and down the stairs in a frenzied excitement over my beautiful Nativity Scene cookies. So I got to the bottom of the stairs and I somehow stepped on my foot backwards and twisted my foot and fell. It was pretty painful and started swelling and bruising immediately. And all I could manage to say was "I need to finish the cookies!!" Priorities.
It definitely has slowed down my baking but I won't let it stop me. In fact, we needed more flour (and sugar and butter) so I went to to grocery store with my Mother and I got one of those little carts that has the seat in front and you drive it around if you're in a condition where you can't walk. See:

Here I am in the baking aisle, of course. I had fun zipping around (at a whopping half a mile an hour) the store in this cart, but it was a very humbling experience. It was one of those moments where I realized how much I take for granted - like being able to walk. I'm thankful that I'm in good health and don't have to worry about these things for more than like, a week, in the unfortunate circumstance of an injury.
But I digress. After the grocery trip I was on a mission: The Snickerdoodle. My Mother had made some the previous day and unfortunately half of them got a little overbaked. I say it was unfortunate because, obviously, they can't be served to friends and family at holiday gatherings, so they just have to be eaten by me. So I ate them and I fell in love with the Snickerdoodle. What an amazing little cookie.
Of course, with losing about half of the batch, we didn't really have enough for the holidays, and I am planning on going to a holiday party on Saturday and I wanted to bring some cookies. So with my Mother's generous help, I made a double batch of Martha's Snickerdoodles. I pretty much sat at the kitchen table measuring ingredients and my Mom had to mix everything in the mixer on the counter. Then, once the dough was made it needed to be rolled into balls and rolled in cinammon sugar. Luckily this was something I could do while seated, with my still swollen foot resting on another chair. But it was quite a process and I used all of the cookie sheets we have and it seemed like I was never going to stop rolling cookie dough into balls.

So I worked through the pain of a swollen foot and managed to make 6 dozen of these cookies. It was well worth it. They're like a little piece of heaven. They're light and flaky and fluffy and sweet with a little cinammon bite. Yum. I am still not sure if I will make it to the party, because my foot is still not fully healed, so I might have an over-abundance of this little darlings. I'm afraid I might not make it to the party.
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